We recognize that each search is unique & treat it as such. We offer a variety of services that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a project or role.


We are confident in our abilities and network so do undertake searches on a contingent basis – although most of our work does tend to be exclusive or retained, which understandably has to be prioritised when allocating resource. Where a search is less urgent or you have already engaged multiple agencies this can be the best route to go down. 

Compensation Survey

In a market as competitive as the quantitative investment space ensuring that you have up to date and correct data on market trends around compensation is crucial. This is something we as a business can assist with, targeting specific competitors or the wider market.

Market Intelligence Reports

We have experience and expertise in providing intelligence reports and competitor analysis – these are always fully bespoke. Clients commissioning this kind of project typically look to incorporate things such as key personnel, organizational structure, compensation, market and product coverage, etc.

Having this kind of detailed insight can be extremely valuable. We use our extensive networks and thorough in-house analysis and information gathering techniques to provide up-to-date and reliable information.

Other Services

Ultimately we are a boutique search firm with a high degree of flexibility and if there is a service that is not listed above but that you would be keen to discuss then we’re always open to having that kind of discussion & will always be transparent and realistic about what we feel can be delivered. 


All retained mandates and projects are unique and are treated as such from the outset. 
We would start by discussing and agreeing the key objectives – ensuring we fully understand the technical and non-technical skills the successful hire will possess. In this initial consultation we would also agree upon the benchmarks and measures for assessing the ongoing progress of the project, once this has been finalised we schedule regular updates to share and discuss the search, sharing key insights and the market intelligence that is being gathered. 
Why would you use this model?
If a hire or project is urgent, and of critical strategic importance then this approach provides you with the certainty that the necessary time and resource is being allocated to it. You receive clear and regular updates on progress that are measured against the benchmarks that have been agreed at the outset giving you full visibility on this throughout.  The way the retained model is priced means that ultimately cost of hire remains the same – so you are not paying anything more for a fully tailored and bespoke search with regular updates throughout.